Abolition, Abolitionists



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Abolition, Abolitionists

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Letters to and from the Hon. Edward Harbord, 3rd Lord Suffield

From: J. Sharpe (North Walsham) re crimes and problems caused due to tenant farmers payment of labourers' wages on Sunday mornings. 11 Oct 1821: 1821: A. W. Hall (Southwark, near London) re fund for indemnifying Sir Robert Wilson from consequences of dismissal from Army. 23 Feb: G. Chetwynd MP (Westminster) re Vagrant Bill and Game Laws. 14 March: F. Howard (Ottery St. Mary) re Country Bakers' Act, weight of bread. 8 May: 1822: Robert Peel (Home Office) re Prison Act and Thetford Assizes. 11 Aug [Bacon p. 187]: 1823: Miles Beacon (Mulbarton House, Norfolk) re county reimbursement of man who arrested a turkey thief. 6 Jan: Revd James Browne (North Walsham) to Suffield (Vernon House) requesting support for enclosed petition (not encl.) on 'slavery of British factories'. 9 March [Bacon p.370]: Edward Hull (Liverpool) re Suffield's speech on Pluralities Bill and writer's own analysis of pluralities, state of Church of England, mentions Bishops of Durham and London, Lord Grey, Sir John Newport, writer's tract - 'Institution and abuse of ecclesiastical property', distribution and publishing problems (Murray and Rivington). 12 April; re encl. sermon (not encl.), crime increase, especially local. 13 April: Printed letter by John Dirsley (London) to Suffield re (own) political views and opinions of society (personalised). 11 May: George Washington Busteed (Rotherhithe, Kent) re abolition of slavery, Lord Goderich, colonial authorities' attitude in ignoring British government in treatment of freeborn, lack of religious teaching and education for them, need to notify Lords committee. 16 May: Henry Crosley (Camberwell, Surrey) re employment of slaves, Anti-Slavery Society committee, wants Suffield's patronage for enclosed (1 June) enclosing Crosley's 'Observations on the production of sugar by free labour': Henry Dover (at Christchurch) re [Norfolk] Quarter Sessions (Criminal Court). 20 June: John Baker (Mundesley, Norfolk) to Suffield (Vernon House) re county politics review, Norwich yeomanry committee meeting to choose candidate, mentions E. Lombe, [Richard Hanbury] Gurney, [E.G.] Keppel's letter and expenses problem re E. Norfolk candidacy, Tory opposition expected, need for money, mentions others to be asked - William Beecham (sic) [Beauchamp-Proctor], William [Howe] Windham and William L. Bulwer, excludes [John?] Weyland - unpopular as voted against Reform Bill, worry over Suffield's possible support for Weyland-would 'divide interest' and strengthen 'the old Tory faction'. 24 June; re Weyland, county politics, canvassing in Hundred, Windham, Reform Bill, Tories, confidence concerning Hundreds of Tunstead, Happing and own [North Erpingham?]. 22 July: Revd Edward Edwards (Marsden Parsonage, Huddersfield, Yorks., W. R. ) re achievements at Marsden, seeks offer of vacancy at Middleton [S.E.Lancs] or Aldborough [Norfolk] due to wife's health. 6 July: William Frere (at Malta) re writer's turn as Chairman of Norfolk Sessions postponed, mentions Copeman, Weyland, [Henry] Dover, congratulates Suffield on Norwich Assize Bill, opposition. 27 July: Edward Buller (Dilhorn Hall, Cheadle, Staffs.) requesting support for N. Staffs. candidacy, supports parliamentary reform and present government. 4 Aug: Sir John Peter Boileau (at Tunbridge Wells, Kent [Ketteringham Hall, Norfolk]) re writer's cousin, Edward Buller's candidacy - member of old Whig family, writer's Holkham visit, full employment of local poor, effect of Poor Law administration, worry over young Tory candidate's inexperience (8 Aug) and enclosing Suffield's reply re Gunton visit, Lady Suffield's pregnancy [Emily], illness of Coke and wife. 23 Aug: Edward Cole (Norwich) requesting Suffield's patronage of Norfolk and Norwich National School Society. 8 Aug: C. Bowles (Shaftesbury) re Bill to repeal Acts relating to bribery and corrupt practices in election of MPs-needs speedy implementation, Penrhyn [Edward G.D. Penrhyn-Shaftesbury MP, later Lord Pennant] and opponents' actions, [subject?], public and beer houses evils. 12 Aug: Joseph Brotherton (Salford, near Manchester) re writer's support for candidacy of J.W. Wood with Lord Molyneux for S. Lancs constituency, writer's own candidacy for Salford and support. 16 Aug: T.W. Coke (Holkham Hall) re [?]. 26 Oct; re [?]. (11 Nov) and enclosing Sir James E. Graham (1st Lord of the Admiralty) to Coke re Norfolk Marines Association and Lt. Harmer (Graham's hand and marked 'private'). 9 Nov: sub-bundle:- 1) Suffield to [?] re. O'Reilly's case, House of Lords Slavery Committee, colonial witnesses and perjury, Suffield's evidence [Bacon pp.390-1): 2) re O'Reilly case: 3) R.M. Bacon (Costessey) re O'Reilly's speech; 4) Bacon re O'Reilly: Nov 1832: Peter Clare (Manchester) re letter received from Joseph Brotherton concerning problems over William Burge and Oldham candidacy, Joseph Sturge and letter from James Cropper of Liverpool, George Thompson-to lecture at Oldham, writer's many arrangements and activities in support of abolition - 'Holy Cause', Theophilus Smith [Agent/Steward-Middleton Hall], Oldham votes 'engaged', James Stephen's entering contest. 1 Dec; re meeting with Theophilus Smith, Burge, estimated voting figures for Cobbett and [John] Fielden, B.A. Bright and Burge, Stephen-too late, anti-slavery meeting, George Thompson's speech, Burge and slavery. 4 Dec: Elizabeth Fry (at Northrepps Hall, Norfolk) re enclosed tracts of society for Preventing the Punishment of Death, Report of British Society of Ladies for the Reformation of Female prisoners to Lady Suffield, hopes Lady Suffield will become patron of committee for visiting Wymondham prisoners, her gifts of biblical books to Suffield's children, respect for his views. 21 Dec. 1832 also including 6 other miscellaneous enclosures:- 1-4) Notes re oaths by Suffield: 5) Lord Castlereagh [Viscount, later 2nd Marquess of Londonderry] (Downing Street) to Edward Harbord re letter Harbord also wrote to Huskisson, electioneering, problems of Harbord standing with Lushington as [Yarmouth] candidates, Lushington- 'not a friend to government' (Sec. of State- War and Colonies). 1807 [Bacon p.30]: 6) Marked list of 49 MPs: William Crawford (Southampton) to S. Hoare re American methods of punishing prisoners, crime increase, English prison conditions, Criminal Law reform, capital punishment. 23 June 1832: 2 letters (labelled 'Election Matters' by Suffield) from R.M. Bacon (Costessey) to Suffield (Vernon House) (illegible) 1) dated 17 July 1832 and 2) nd.

Marked 'no. 4 examined and scheduled 1832 by R.M.Bacon'.

Stephen Lushington; 1782-1808; civil and ecclesiastical lawyer, politician; Watford, Hertfordshire, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk

Letters to and from Lord Suffield (including draft reply)

From: Revd J. Brown (Norwich Castle) re information given by prisoner on local crimes, gang, Thetford Assizes and transporting of prisoners, escape plan; re prisoner's evidence sent to Lord Melbourne, feels incendiaries better kept in separate 'classes' at Norwich, Swanton [Norfolk] fires; re prosecution of gang; re question of prisoners' removal to Thetford, escape plan: Feb-March: Samuel Fleming (Regent Square) to Suffield (at Holkham Hall) requesting financial help, (brother of Suffield's companion on European travels), also re circumstances-teacher, poverty, aged over 60, unable to find work. 7 Nov: Suffield to W. Postle re [North Walsham] petition against tithes. 2 Feb [Bacon pp. 338-9]: Suffield to Lord Melbourne re poverty of agricultural labourers, mentions Lord Salisbury and Lord Kenyon as likely to accuse government of delaying, 'Home Colonisation', emigration. 8 June [Bacon pp. 344-5]: also including:- Proceedings of Anti-Slavery Society meeting (13 April 1831) with Suffield as Chairman (Suffield's hand).

Edward Harbord; 1781-1835; 3rd Baron Suffield, politician

Letters to and from Lord Suffield (including draft replies) and associated correspondence

From: John Stracey (Sprowston, Norfolk) re Assizes removal from Thetford to Norwich, Lord Tenterden's opposition; re Assizes removal, mentions Lord Tenterden and Peel; re Assizes removal, prisoners-travel problems, witnesses, Thetford. Feb-March: Lord Tenterden [1st Lord] (Chancery Lane) to Suffield (House of Lords) re enclosed letter (not encl.) from Lord Justice [Gardner]. 11 March: Theophilus Smith (Middleton Hall) re Address on Middleton School enclosed (not encl.), Suffield's liability to expense due to decision of Master of the Rolls, therefore Smith attempting reduction of estate expenditure: 28 Dec: 1831: J. Miller (Durham) expressing agreement with Suffield on pluralities, mentions Bishop of London. 31 March: Lord Radstock [2nd Lord] re Suffield's amendments on pluralities, [subject?]. March [Bacon pp. 371-2]: Richard Potter (Manchester) re meeting held at which opposition expressed to government's plan for education in Ireland but unrepresentative of local opinion, Suffield's help over Manchester petition on Reform Bill, considers Suffield must tell Lords truth about above meeting, Lord Kenyon's presenting petition on pluralities. 2 April: Baron Rubensoke re personal family distress in Prussia, Prince Hardenberg, difficulties, Church and State separation, Pluralities Bill, Bishop of Durham. 9 April: Sir John Newport (Jermyn Street) re Pluralities Bill. 16 April: E.G. Keppel (Hertford Street) re [East Norfolk] candidacy and intention to stand, a 'thorough Reformer' and pro-abolition, lameness. 7 June; (at Bransbury, N. Hants.) re candidacy withdrawal due to electioneering expense. (18 June) and enclosing R.T. Elwin (Norwich) to Keppel (copy letter) re selection committee ([A.] Hudson, [E] Lombe, [T.S.] Norgate, [?] Brightwell), possible candidacy of Keppel (the favourite), likely yeomanry support, expenses-'no half measures will do as the Tories will strain every nerve' (16 June); (at Hertford Street) re candidacy withdrawal intention. 20 June; (at Dover) re decision not to resign since presence (in Norfolk) not required. 7 Aug: W.H. Windham re candidacy, uncertainty re Keppel, declaration in support of abolition and 'independent' support to Lord Grey; re mutual meeting at Brookes, candidacy: June-July: enclosed together:- 1) Printed circular distributed by Lord Molyneux [later 3rd Earl of Sefton] (Croxteth Hall, S.W. Lancs.) addressed to electors of South Lancs.. 9 July: 2) Suffield (Vernon House) to Molyneux re election, supports Molyneux provided he advocates immediate emancipation of slaves. 15 July: Molyneux's reply (Arlington Street) to Suffield re circular, emancipation. July 20: T.S. Norgate (Hethersett) re dismissal of Aldborough [Norfolk] curate-Spurrel [Patron-Suffield]. 29 Oct. Suffield's reply re 'East Anglian' [Editor-Norgate], Suffield considered church reformer in parliament, Pluralities Bill, refutes allegations. Oct 30. Revd Robert Charles William Wilkinson (Middleton) re rector's death [James Archer], writer's curacy, Middleton affairs, Grammar School. 19 Nov [Bacon p. 279] and enclosing copy letter A.T. Gilbert (Principal-Brasenose College, Oxford) to Revd J.C. Wigram (Secretary-National Society for the Education of the Poor) re Suffield's appeal to Lords against Master of Rolls decision on Brasenose College, Society's application refused. 6 July: also including:- Invitation to peers wishing to attend coronation of William IV from the Earl Marshal. 4 Aug 1831 Vote of thanks from Court of Mayoralty (hand-written by Norwich Town Clerk) to Robert Grant MP and Suffield for ensuring passing of Bill for the removal of the Lent Assizes from Thetford to Norwich. 20 June 1832: Certificate re Suffield's resignation as a Chairman of Norfolk Quarter Sessions, gratitude. 17 Oct 1832: [?(Huntingdon) re gaol delivery of prisoners at Norwich, ringleaders at large. 10 March 1831: [correspondent?] re [Samuel?] Bamford's application. 7 March 1832: Bacon's notes marked 'no. 16 schedule'.

Marked 'used'.

Edward Harbord; 1781-1835; 3rd Baron Suffield, politician

Letters to Lord Suffield (with draft replies)

John Skinner, a convict, asserting innocence of the crime for which he was convicted; Joseph Shaw re Literary Fund Society; Revd Edward Thomas, Briton Ferry; Lord Salisbury; Middleton Birch Chapel; ? Theophilus Smith and resolution re erection of building for a Sunday School at Middleton and unemployment among silk weavers; W. Tooke re plan for new colony in Australia; Thomas Pringle; F. Townsend, College of Arms, re heraldic paintings; Lieutenant Leigh, seeking promotion on strength of his excursions and sea rescues and from the Committee of the Shipwreck Institution re same; Zachary Macaulay warning Lord Suffield against Mr ?Beeston; W. Simpson re Bill for removing Thetford Assizes to Norwich; J. Pestle; Captain G.W. Manby urging East Greenland as a convict colony; W. James, settlement of poor on 'detached plots of waste land'; Lord Stafford re Irish Reform Bill; Petition from Charles Wodehouse re liturgy; Edward Lombe, canvass for Keppell and Wyndham; Thomas Coates re issue of shares by London University, enclosing printed regulations, also re proposed North London Hospital; Mr Spring rice and R.M. Rolfe re Beckett, a former butler of Lord Sufffield; Lord Lichfield re Staffordshire parliamentary candidates; declaration of the Southern Division of Lancashire in favour of George Wood as parliamentary candidate, with letter from E.J. Lloyd; H. Bellesdon Ker; T. Holt White re quarrel with MP for Essex, Collis Western; Colonel J. Wodehouse re Lord Suffield's retirement as chairman of Magistrates; Lord G. Seymour; printed election of Lord Suffield as Fellow of the Zoological Society of London; Charles Wood re the electoral influence of Mr. Russell in Aberdeenshire; Mr Mangin re the death of Mr De Blanchy; Dr S. Lushington re 'the West Indians' (?Anti-Slavery Bill), Norfolk and Norwich elections; T.S. Norgate, Hethersett, re Norfolk election; extracts from the Middleton Glebe coal base; extracts from Commons journals re peers not interfering in elections, 1799-1801.

Marked 'No 16 Examined and scheduled by R.M. Bacon'

Stephen Lushington; 1782-1808; civil and ecclesiastical lawyer, politician; Watford, Hertfordshire, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk