Professional Papers Inventory list

Identifier Sort ascending Title Level of description Date Digital object
WLS LV/2, 428X2 Release from John Walker, hereditary proclamator of the Court of Common Pleas, to George Cooke clerk prothonotary of the court File 1742
WLS LV/7, 428X2 Papers and letters File 1697-c 1779
WLS LV/19/1-14, 428X3 John Thomas and others auditors of John Williams vs Catherine Williams and others, mentioning property in Burton, Denbighshire, 1753 File 1749-1753
WLS LV/21, 428X3 William Sotheby vs George Stonehouse clerk and others re mortgage of manor of Buttermere, Wilts File 1754
WLS LV/23, 428X3 Re devise of estate in Southwark Park. Ann Nutt, Vincent Lade defendants File nd [post 1755]
WLS LV/28, 428X3 Re exchange of precentorship at Lincoln for living of Great Charte. Chapman and Venner parties File nd [post 1758]
WLS LV/30, 428X3 Robert Weston and others vs the Master etc. of Trinity House re the Eddystone Lighthouse File nd [post 1761]
WLS LV/33, 428X3 Copy of Letters Patent of 1581 of Queen Elizabeth granting the site of Kirkstall monastery, Yorkshire, and much other property, to Edward Downynge and Peter Aysheton, used in Repington vs the Guardians and Governors of Tamworth School File 1761
WLS LV/40, 428X5 Copy of report in Humfrey Hall vs Henry Hewer and others, re profit of an estate in Devon and Cornwall File 1766
WLS LV/44, 428X5 Affidavit in Hannel Mendes Da Costa, Issac Jesurun Alvares, and Abraham Lopes Pereira executors of Benjamin Mendes da Costa vs John Eyles warden of the Fleet Prison re escape of Matthew Hubard, a debtor File 1767
WLS LV/48, 428X5 Brief in Thomas Abby and others infants vs William Honour and others re legacy by William Fletcher Esq. owner of an estate in Clothall, Herts File 1770
WLS LV/53, 428X5 Printed Case in similar cause, James Mackqueen and others vs Simon and John Taylor re estate of Patrick Taylor Esq. late of Jamaica File 1771
WLS LV/1 Memorandum book of William de Grey File 1741-1756
WLS LV/6 Fee book for briefs etc File 1770-1771
WLS LV/25, 428X3 Answer of Richard, Earl of Verney, re manor of Biddlesden, Bucks., in suit against Henry Sayer File nd [post 1756]
Results 1 to 15 of 53